DIGILOGIC at the Finnish Week of Business in Zambia
April 29, 2021
Socially Responsible Digital Logistics Innovation
May 10, 2021Systems Thinking
The DIGILOGIC consortium conducted a systemic deep dive into the transport and logistics system at the critical mile in Africa to uncover its core dynamics and driving forces of the sector. Through desktop research, interviews with key stakeholders and two expert online consultation sessions, DIGILOGIC identified levers for change to make the critical mile logistics in Africa more efficient, affordable, inclusive, and sustainable.
The video narrates this process and its results: Today, digital solutions are helping to optimize the transport and logistics sector in Africa, from matching platforms and smart warehousing to digital addresses. Nevertheless, many challenges remain and too few solutions are scaling. Optimizing parts of the logistics sector is not enough. The DIGILOGIC consortium aims to spur collaboration between Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) in Africa and Europe for digital solutions to transform the critical mile logistics system in Africa.