Systems thinking to transform critical mile logistics in Africa
May 6, 2021
Digitising Logistics in Africa
May 19, 2021Digital Logistics
The vision of the DIGILOGIC project is to boost cooperation and strategic partnerships between European and African Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). Accordingly, DIGILOGIC partner organizations and DIGILOGIC’s High Level Advisory Board support the statement of Jutta Urpilainen, the European Commissioner for International Partnerships, “The digital transformation must work for all people. No one should be left behind”.
DIGILOGIC High Level Advisory Board member, Professor Dr Rajkumar Roy, who has long been active in international inclusive innovation initiatives draws attention to the importance of digital technologies for addressing formidable real life challenges facing people around the world. In particular, Professor Roy highlights the need for digital logistics innovations to be socially responsible: starting with being affordable to people with minimal resources and as widely available as possible. He aims that digital innovation will accelerate fit-for-purpose technological developments across Africa and Europe: with ethical approaches developed and adopted by DIHs increasing public confidence and trust in digital solutions. With regard to the skills and training aspects of DIGILOGIC, Professor Roy emphases the importance of Africa and Europe working together to develop next generation STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) professionals who are socially responsible in all fields including digital logistics.