DIGILOGIC Co-Creation Labs
May 11, 2022
DIGILOGIC successfully completed the first Capacity Building Programme
July 14, 2022Start-up Business Models
DIGILOGIC has an open call for proposals from innovators to develop novel solutions to address challenges in logistics in Africa, in Europe, and between the two continents. The call is open until 31st August 2022. From the proposals, 12 teams will be selected for a one-year programme of expert support. This will involve supporting start-ups in the formulation and application of business models.
Established business model frameworks do not directly address the primary objective of start‐ups: to survive in changing environments. This fundamental shortcoming may contribute to the global survival rate of start-ups being very low. To address this fundamental shortcoming, DIGILOGIC support for start-up teams will include use of a simple new business model method that does directly and persistently address the need for start-ups to adapt to changing environments while maintaining internal stability. Details of the scientific bases for the new business model method and how it can be applied in practice are in the new journal paper by Stephen Fox and Päivi Vahala of DIGILOGIC project partner VTT.
The simple new method has been developed through iterations of review of natural science findings concerned with survival in changing environments; formulation of the new method; and obtaining feedback on the new method from start‐up experts. In the opinion of Gerhard Malah, who is a Programme Manager at DIGILOGIC project partner MEST, the method is sound, has realistic metrics, and gives room to collectively evaluate company performance. Gerhard has begun to use the new method at MEST and at the UNICEF StartUp Lab.
Register for the DIGILOGIC Challenges Webinar
Do you have an innovative idea to address smart logistics challenges in Africa?
DIGILOGIC will be hosting a webinar on how to apply to DIGILOGIC Challenges.