DIGILOGIC Challenges: Webinar
May 5, 2022
Start-up Business Models
June 15, 2022DIGILOGIC Co-Creation Impact Labs: A Peer-to-Peer Hands-on Experience
To complement the training programme offered to young African innovators, induce a hands-on, problem-solving approach, and foster new collaborations between European and African talents, DIGILOGIC will organize 6 Co-creation Impact Laboratories.
During the laboratories, a series of real African business cases in the Logistics Critical Mile will be presented and analyzed with the support of European and African Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) facilitators.
Participants - techy guys, would-be entrepreneurs and self-employed people, skilled startups, SMEs, and ICT professionals from any country in the European Union and Africa - will have the chance to boost personal skills and increase their professional network through an experience of collaborative work on digital solutions to answer logistics business needs proposed by the Labs Leader.
DIGILOGIC facilitators will support the participants with Service Design, Fast Prototyping, and logistics technologies uptake. Participants will have the chance to refine their problem-solving attitude and the capability to spotlight the potential of using digital technologies in the Logistics Critical Mile. The hands-on methodology and the group work will foster the contamination among different mindsets and backgrounds.
Each Lab will last 16 hours and it will be organised in 4 fully remote sessions for 2 weeks.
The first Co-Creation Lab will be held between July 11 and July 29.
The DIGILOGIC Co-Creation Labs are led by Friuli Innovazione with the collaboration of all the partners.