DIGILOGICVision and Objectives

DIGILOGIC aims high

To build bridges between islands of innovation across EU and Africa: establish a Pan EU-Africa network of initially 5 DIHs focused on the topic of smart logistics and achieve seamless collaboration between the hubs and their pool of emerging technology innovators.

To strengthen the DIHs technology transfer capabilities to advance African innovators and ICT professionals for better job opportunities.

To empower African youth, especially women and vulnerable groups with entrepreneurial and digital literacy skills to significantly increase good quality employment opportunities, including self- employment.

To ensure its long-term sustainability DIGILOGIC engages a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including DIHs in Europe and Africa, the logistics industry and potential investors.
DIGILOGIC aims to boost the cooperation and strategic partnership between European and African DIHs by developing the Pan EU-Africa DIGILOGIC Hub: the first EU-AU decentralised DIH dedicated to smart logistics. DIGILOGIC will foster the creation of a community of stakeholders to stimulate, shape and foster the adoption of emerging technologies (such as: Cloud Computing, Big Data, AR/VR, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Intelligent objects (AI), Smart Devices, IoT and ITS) for smart logistics solutions, through the deployment of a dynamic and impactful knowledge transfer and implementation programme.